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Commitments and responsibilities

At François Doucet Confiseur, we are aware of just how much we depend on the Earth and the environment for the quality of the ingredients we use. This is why we are committed to an environmentally responsible approach.



We place particular importance on supporting local supply chains so that we can offer products with the best possible traceability, flawless quality and a minimal carbon footprint.

Producteurs de pommes François Doucet

Loyalty to local producers

Plantation d'amandiers François Doucet

Almond plantation

Plantation d'amandiers François Doucet

Local suppliers

Les circuits courts et équitables François Doucet Confiseur

1. Hazelnuts from the South of France 2. Figs from Provence 3. Orangé Apricots and Quinces from Provence 4. Almonds from the South of France 5. Apples and Pears from the Hautes-Alpes 6. Strawberries from the Drôme or Dordogne 7. Mirabelles from Lorraine

Les ateliers de fabrication de la confiserie François Doucet


Chez François Doucet, la qualité est une façon de penser au quotidien. La confiserie a obtenu à quelques années d’intervalle le label EPV qui témoigne du savoir-faire traditionnel et de sa transmission et la certification ISO 22000 pour le respect de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires.


For a number of years, all of the new products introduced by François Doucet Confiseur have contained no artificial colours. Only ‘colouring ingredients’, such as paprika, beetroot, safflower and spirulina, are used in our recipes to enhance the colours of the products. These natural ingredients have no impact on health.

Cranberries François Doucet
Kara Myrtilles
La confiserie François Doucet
Les ateliers de fabrication de la confiserie François Doucet


Every little action counts and every initiative is worthwhile... So we work to find solutions to limit the impact of our packaging (such as avoiding over-packaging and selling products in bulk), to limit our water and energy consumption and to produce our own electricity using solar panels. Our very local sourcing avoids unnecessary transportation and minimises our carbon footprint.


Proud to be a family business and keen to stay that way, we have been at the forefront of improving the quality of work life in Provence, investing constantly in new facilities, supporting training and introducing profit sharing schemes.

As one of the biggest employers in the local area, we rapidly established gender equality as the norm in each team within the company. Our social commitments also extend beyond our walls, as demonstrated by our support of the Cocoa Horizons programme for fair payment of cocoa farmers and our various actions for charitable associations working in the areas of disability, health and poverty.

Entreprise du patrimoine Vivant
Cocoa Horizons
Les ateliers de fabrication de la confiserie François Doucet
Les ateliers de fabrication de la confiserie François Doucet