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Our almond plantation in Provence

To support the revival of almond production in France, and secure our supplies of quality almonds, we planted 8 hectares of almond trees in the town of Oraison. This plantation is part of the plan to bring back almond production in France that was initiated by François Doucet Confiseur and other stakeholders.


Plantation d'amandiers François Doucet
Fleurs d'amandiers

La France ne produiT plus que 1 % de la consommation nationale

With this in mind, the Chamber of Agriculture for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region has put a plan in place for the revival of almond-growing, with the cooperation of almond producers and food manufacturers.

Ce plan de relance, dont François Doucet Confiseur a été l’un des initiateurs, a débouché en juin 2018 sur la création d’un comité interprofessionnel de l’amande « France Amande » réunissant tous les acteurs de la filière : pépiniéristes, agriculteurs, primo transformateurs (casseries) et industriels (confiseurs, fabricants de calissons, de nougats et de produits cosmétiques). Cette interprofession s’est donné pour objectif de structurer la filière amande qui était jusqu’il y a quelques décennies un des fleurons de la production agricole française.


It is within this framework that our company planted 10 hectares of almond trees in Oraison, in 2019, with the ultimate target of producing 800 kg per hectare. The first harvest was done in the 2022 season. To take the project forward, François Doucet Confiseur is offering its customers the opportunity to sponsor Provençal almond trees. It will give them a chance to make a contribution to their local community or simply treat themselves.

On the 14th of October 2018, as a tribute to the company’s founders, a sculpture in the form of an almond made in collaboration by the ceramicist Claude Hergott and the wrought-iron craftsman Mathieu Martinot, was unveiled in Oraison. This artwork dedicated to the almond, and François and Maggy Doucet, honours the passionate artisans and strong supporters of the local area who have taken action to promote the region’s economic growth and social development.

Plantation d'amandiers François Doucet
Fleurs d'amandiers
Plantation d'amandiers François Doucet
Fleurs d'amandiers

“ Everything is grey. It is on this grey, at the end of winter, that the whites and pinks of the almond blossoms play; it is against this grey that the azure of the summer sky will rest; it is from this grey that the lemony flames of autumn will burst. It is this grey that will return to the grey of winter, nudging it gently, in the distance, towards the purple of a bishop in partibus. ”

Extract from Provence, by Jean Giono

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